About the Journal
The Journal of Sport and Human Performance will review, and publish at the recommendation of the Section Editor and one co-Editor-in-chief: Original Research, Literature Reviews, Sponsored Research, White Papers, Pilot Studies, Short Reports, and Invited Commentary.
JSHP will publish editorial articles or recurring columns posed by editors, and accepted. We will begin to publish recurring columns, as issues increase.
We are in a unique position to publish "special issues," including conference works, graduate student works, and other editions suggested to us.
JSHP will publish originial, basic science, clinical, or applied on cutting-edge research in the broad field of Human Performance.
This field includes topics from Kinesiology, Biomechanics, Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology, Athletic Training, Work Physiology, Sports Performance, Sports Psychology, Strength & Conditioning anywhere to Biomedical Engineering. The focus of the journal may include training methods, novel products and ergogenic aides and other methods used to enhance performance in athletics, preventative health and fitness, and to improve health and medical care, and sports and human performance.
Manuscripts (metadata) are published-when accepted, which allows JSHP to stay ahead of the field, to contribute to the body of knowledge and advancement of science as quickly as possible. Articles are sent for final copy-editing, and assigned a final *doi in Crossref only when final pdf is submitted.
Guidelines for authors are in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals. Full details are available at www.icmje.org
Current Issue
Original Research Articles
Graduate Student Work
If you are interested in reviewing for JSHP, please register as a user and designate topics you are available to review.
To register as a user, please visit: Journal Registration
Cutting-Edge, innovative research published in an open-access platform to encourage timely exchange of research and development in human performance. We aim to promote a novel approach to innovation in Human Performance, Fitness, & Healthcare.