Modeling thermophysiological responses during head-in and head-out whole-body water immersion
thermal modeling, biophysics, immersion, hypothermiaAbstract
Mathematical representations of humans that are capable of predicting thermophysiological responses provide valuable tools for mitigating health risks during exposures to extreme environments. Humans work or operate in a wide range of conditions, from extreme heat, freezing cold, to partially or fully immersed in water. Each of these conditions presents unique heat exchange relationships that make mathematically modeling responses to each slightly different. Methods: A validated mathematical model was used to describe human thermal responses to whole-body water immersion specific to the differences between head-in and head-out conditions. Four different immersion conditions in 17°C water were used (low activity with head out and head in, and moderate activity with head-out and head-in) to describe these responses. Results: Modeling showed a moderate increase in shivering rate and water-based convective heat loss that was coupled with significant differences in brain temperature and an observable difference in internal core body temperature during head-in conditions. This work highlights the significance in differences between head-in and head-out during whole-body water immersion.
This work is specifically dedicated to the memory of Dr. Leslie D. Montgomery (1939-2022). His published work on thermoregulatory responses to humans during immersion were of significant importance to advancing this field of science. However, perhaps more notable was his mentorship and dedication to the well-being of others that has helped advance scientists and people generally.
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