
  • David Valades Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Alcalá Department: Biological Sciences / Physical Education
  • José Manuel Palao University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain



team sports, performance, training, monitoring, feedback


Abstract: The aim of this study was to test a procedure to monitor the evolution of the speed of the spike for women´s volleyball players throughout a season. The sample included 10 players from a volleyball club of Spain´s first division. A descriptive and correlational study of repeated measures was carried out. The variables that were studied were the speed of the ball in the standing spike test and the jump spike test. The ball speed was monitored throughout the 23 weeks of the competitive season. The tests were integrated into the team´s normal training routines. A descriptive analysis (means, standard deviation, and variability percentages) and an inferential analysis (ANOVA and linear regression) were done. The results show mean speeds of 71.2 ± 5.1 km/h for the jump spike and 70.7 ± 6.2 km/h for the standing spike. Increases of 2.3% for the jump spike and 0.4% for the standing spike were observed throughout the season. The players´ average variability throughout the season was 5.1% for the jump spike and 4.2% for the standing spike. The proposed protocol allows coaches to assess the evolution of the different players and helps them to individualize the monitoring they carry out.


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