Estimating and Tracking Changes in VO2max From a Field-Based Critical Velocity Test in Collegiate Soccer Players.


  • Ciaran M Fairman The Ohio State University
  • Kristina Leigh Kendall Georgia Southern University
  • Parker N Hyde Georgia Southern University
  • Mary Beth Yarbrough Georgia Southern University
  • Stephen Rossi Georgia Southern University
  • Matthew Sherman Georgia Southern University
  • David Fukuda University of Central Florida



aerobic, exercise performance, fitness, training, anaerobic


Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) has been shown to be a significant predictor of performance in soccer players. Laboratory-based determination of VO2max is time consuming and consequently not often used as an evaluation tool in collegiate soccer teams. The critical velocity (CV) test is a unique measure, requiring less time than individual graded exercise tests for VO2max, and can offer analysis of anaerobic capacity, doubling its utility. Purpose: To examine a field-based CV test as a predictor of VO2max in male collegiate soccer players, and to determine if a prediction equation using CV could accurately track changes in VO2max following a 6 week off-season training intervention. Methods: Twelve male [mean ± SD, age (yr): 19.5±1.2; height (cm): 175.9±7.4; weight (kg): 71.7±10.1] collegiate soccer players were recruited to participate in this study. Players completed a maximal graded running test to exhaustion to determine VO2max. On a separate day, players completed three time-trials at various distances (1200m, 2400m, 3200m) on an outdoor track for the determination of CV and anaerobic running capacity (ARC). Results: A negative, but non-significant correlation was found between ARC and relative VO2max (r=-0.545, p=0.067). A positive correlation was observed between CV and relative VO2max (r=0.849, p<0.001). Based on the significant correlation analysis, two linear regression equations were developed to predict and track relative VO2max from CV. Conclusions: The proposed field-based method of predicting VO2max is a time-efficient way to predict and track maximal oxygen consumption in male soccer players. 

Author Biography

  • Kristina Leigh Kendall, Georgia Southern University
    Assistant Professor of Exercise ScienceHuman Performance Lab DirectorGraduate Program Coordinator-Exercise Science
    School of Health and Kinesiology
    Georgia Southern University



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