Effect of CrossFit™ on Health-related Physical Fitness: A Pilot Study


  • J.P. Barfield Radford University
  • Aaron Anderson Tennessee Technological University




Aerobic fitnes, Muscular fitness, Training Adaptations


CrossFit™ is a novel training modality but empirical support of its effectiveness is lacking (1). The purpose of the current study was to: 1) examine the effect of CrossFit™ on health-related physical fitness, and 2) to compare the effects of CrossFit™ against matched participants in a traditional training program. Pre- and post-assessments of aerobic capacity, body composition, upper-body muscular endurance, muscular power, and hamstring flexibility were conducted. CrossFit™ participants improved aerobic capacity (6%) and muscular endurance (22%) with the mean change in endurance differing significantly from the traditional training group (p = .004).

Author Biography

  • J.P. Barfield, Radford University
    Associate Professor, Health & Human Performance


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