Real-Time Physiological Monitoring While Encapsulated in Personal Protective Equipment


  • William J Tharion
  • Adam W Potter U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM)
  • Cynthia M Duhamel
  • Anthony J Karis
  • Mark J Buller
  • Reed W Hoyt



heat illness, heat injuries, Level A, medical monitoring, military training, ambulatory monitoring, personal protective equipment, thermal strain


Heat strain was monitored in real-time in soldiers performing chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) training.  Wearable physiological status monitoring (PSM) systems (EQ-02; Hidalgo, Ltd, Swavesey, Cambridge, UK) were evaluated by nine soldiers from a Civil Support Team – Weapons of Mass Destruction (CST-WMD) team (age, 27.3±4.9 (SD) y; wt, 84.5±15.1 kg; ht, 178.1±10.1 cm).  Seven of these soldiers wore the PSM system during CBRN training and provided subjective feedback regarding the systems utility; two soldiers observed the training exercise and commented on the utility of the PSM system. During CBRN training, participants marched ~1600 m in 45 min while wearing Level A CBRN personal protective equipment (PPE).  A 0-to-10 Physiological Strain Index, i.e., a 0-to-10 index of thermal-work strain, was calculated from estimated core temperature and measured heart rate.  Individual PSI levels varied, with three individuals at a PSI > 8 (high thermal-work strain) and four individuals at a PSI < 8 (moderate strain).  Real-time PSI levels corresponded to the subjective feelings of thermal strain reported by the test volunteers.  In addition, the CST-WMD soldiers reported that real-time PSI information could be used to improve work performance and decrease the likelihood of experiencing heat illness during CBRN missions.

Author Biography

  • Adam W Potter, U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM)
    Adam Potter is the Research Program Coordinator and pro tem Deputy Chief of the Biophysics and Biomedical Modeling Division at the United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM).  Mr. Potter served on active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps, participating in real-world operations in Kosovo, Iraq, and Liberia.  Prior to working at USARIEM, he performed in-patient clinical research and is certified by the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) as a Certified Clinical Research Coordinator (CCRC).  He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Cambridge College, a Masters of Business Administration from American Military University, and is currently working towards a Master of Science in Sports and Health Sciences from American Military University.  Mr. Potter's current research interests include: thermo-physiology and thermoregulatory modeling; estimating metabolic cost over complex terrain; exercise dosimetry for early detection of overuse injuries; and finite element analysis for individualized thermoregulation modeling.


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