Overtraining Syndrome, Mitochondrial DNA and ATP Production


  • Kelly A Brooks Texas A&M University Corpus Christi




genes, exercise, dna, training, performance, biomarkers


Overtraining syndrome is characterized by declining performance and inflammation following intense training, leading to health implications. Diagnostic measures determining overtraining syndrome are limited. Overtraining induces a response from oxidative stress biomarkers proportional to load. Circulating free plasma DNA is associated with tissue injury and exercise-induced inflammation. Research indicates that with chronic, excessive training, aerobic or resistance in nature, plasma DNA concentrations increase with load, suggesting a diagnostic use for overtraining-induced exercise inflammation. Reduction in mitochondrial ATP production contributes to reduced endurance and muscle weakness. Increased mitochondrial DNA oxidative damage, along with cumulative DNA damage may explain overall reduction in mitochondrial DNA copy numbers in skeletal muscle. Reduced mitochondrial DNA copy number may contribute to reduced mRNA abundance, resulting in reduced mitochondrial protein synthesis and oxidative enzyme activity, reducing oxidative phosphorylation. Reduction in availability of ATP may contribute to reduction in remodeling, including energy-requiring reactions in muscle. Although regular aerobic exercise may enhance healthy life expectance, overtraining may produce adverse effects, such as reduction in mitochondrial ATP production, causing the hypothalamic center to reduce unplanned physical activities to conserve energy. With ATP production rates expressed per unit of mitochondrial protein, there are persisting overtraining effects, compounded by reduced mitochondrial content and impaired intrinsic activity of mitochondria. An overall decrease in protein expression associated with differing rates of protein synthesis and breakdown,  and protein turnover leads to accumulation of oxidatively damaged dysfunctional proteins. Further research is needed to examine effects of overtraining on mt DNA deletion, content, and oxidative DNA damage biomarkers.

Author Biography

  • Kelly A Brooks, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi

    Dr. Kelly Brooks is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi. Prior to this postion, she spent 4 years in Louisiana as an Assistant Professor, Biomechanics and Applied Physiology Laboratory Director, and Graduate Program Coordinator at Louisiana Tech University. Brooks received her Ph.D. from The University of Alabama in December 2005.
    Dr. Brooks has published several peer-reviewed articles, and worked with numerous graduate students. Brooks and her graduate students have over 70 presentations since 2007, at professional meetings at the regional and national level. Her research interests include environmental physiology and hydration, relating biomechanical and physiological variables during atheltic performance, adrenal insufficiency and chronic fatigue, prevention of injury in athletes, and the impact of injury on future disease risk/limitations in former college and professional athletes. Her research on collection of "real-time" data led to an interest in validation of both biomechnical and physiological remote monitoring devices. Brooks has worked as an advisor for several companies in development of devices, apps, and the latest technology in sports medicine. Brooks frequently presents on environmental issues and hydration across the country. She is also on the editorial board of two journals, and is a member of the Midwest NSCA advisory board. Her vita and other professional information can be found at www.kellyabrooks.com

