Monitoring heart rate variability during competition preparation in a national level powerlifter with cerebral palsy: A case report


  • Andrew A Flatt University of Alabama
  • M R Esco



Cardiac-parasympathetic, strength, monitoring, case study


Heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring has been shown to be effective for guiding programming and evaluating individual training adaptation in endurance athletes. However considerably less attention has been given to strength and power athletes, particularly in disabled populations. The purpose of this case study was to observe the HRV trend of a high level powerlifter with cerebral palsy throughout a 4-week competition preparatory period in response to varying training load. Details of the training program, training load, daily and weekly HRV changes and performance are described. 

Author Biography

  • Andrew A Flatt, University of Alabama

    PhD Student in Exercise Physiology

    Department of Kinesiology

    Research and Teaching Graduate Assistant


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