Influence of the physical fitness, anthropometry profile and body composition on sailing performance
starting sailing regattas, physical effort, fuzzy logic, performance.Abstract
This study aims to analyse the influence of physical fitness, the anthropometric profile and the body composition on performance at the start of sailing regattas. We analysed ten sailors, each using an Optimist type boat, all male, aged 11.80±1.40 years, with 4.60±2.12 years of experience (Portuguese national ranking), with 44.35±9.30 kg body mass and 153.41±8.49 cm height. The experimental task consisted of performing six starts and sail through a predetermined route. Two digital cameras recording at 25 Hz were used to collect data on athletes’ positioning and location in all regattas. To analyse the physical fitness, the anthropometric profile, and the body composition of sailors, Fitnessgram tests were considered. Additionally, this work uses of fuzzy logic to estimate the score of each athlete by combining several inputs, namely the bioimpedance and others retrieved from the fitnessgram tests. Results indicated that body mass is significantly related to the sailing performance. This variable was shown to be very important for the sailor to be able to cope with strong winds and other constraints faced during the sailing. We concluded that sailing in high-winds requires great skill and physical effort to control the boat. For this reason, it seems that heavier athletes tend to better deal with different wind intensities, better adapting their performance to the boat manoeuvres.
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