The Effects of Carbohydrate, Caffeine, and Combined Rinses on Cycling Performance


  • Ashley Y Lesniak Department of Exercise Science, College of Health Sciences, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg PA 18301
  • Shala E Davis Department of Exercise Science, College of Health Sciences, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg PA 18301
  • Gavin L Moir Department of Exercise Science, College of Health Sciences, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg PA 18301
  • Emily J Sauers Department of Exercise Science, College of Health Sciences, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg PA 18301



caffeine, cycling performance


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of carbohydrate, caffeine and carbohydrate-caffeine mouth rinses on a cycling time trial performance with recreationally active college-aged females. Methods: Seven volunteers (age: 21.86±0.10 yrs, height: 165.48±1.24 cm, mass 65.40±1.42 kg, BMI 23.80±0.34 kg/m2, Vo2max 37.99±0.92 ml/kg/min) gave their written informed consent to participate in the study. The participants completed four trials on the cycle ergometer. The first was a VO2max  and Workloadmax  test until volitional fatigue. The following visits included a 5 minute warm-up at 40% Wmax followed by completing a set amount of work of .6 * Wmax * 3600. Every 12.5% of work completed the subject rinsed their mouth for 5 seconds with 25 mL of either 1.2% caffeine, 6% carbohydrate or carbohydrate-caffeine solutions. Results: No significant differences in time trial performance were observed between the CHO (61.56±3.1 min), CAF (61.63±2.7 min), and CAF-CHO (63.89±3.7 min) trials (p=0.70).   Split times between the CHO, CAF, and CAF-CHO trials approached significance (p=0.08). There were no significant differences observed in mean power (CHO: 125.35±11.0W, CAF: 124.87±10.5W, CAF-CHO: 121.65±11.9, p=0.98) or peak power (CHO: 184.14±17.4W, CAF: 204.71±32.2W, 167.00±12.7W, p=0.29) during any trial. Power outputs at each 12.5% of the distance completed approached significance (p=0.10) between the CHO, CAF, and CAF-CHO trials. Conclusion: The current study found that a caffeine rinse does not appear to improve endurance cycling performance in females when compared to a carbohydrate and carbohydrate/caffeine rinse.

Author Biography

  • Emily J Sauers, Department of Exercise Science, College of Health Sciences, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg PA 18301

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Exercise Science


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