Exercising behavior differences in users and non-users of dietary supplements by sportsmen in Lebanon


  • Antoine G Farhat Notre Dame University
  • Corine El-Hachem Sacre Coeur Hospital




physical activity, dietary supplements, exercising behavior


Introduction: The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of dietary supplement use, types of physical activities, and aims of supplements users and non-users, knowledge about their side effects, and changes reported due to dietary supplements use in the suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon. Methods: 220 male participants between the ages of 15 and 53 completed a questionnaire on the ingestion of dietary supplements and knowledge about their benefits and side effects. The study population was drawn from seven health and fitness clubs located in the suburbs of Beirut city. Results: Out of the 220 participants, 109 (49.5%) reported taking supplements; protein shakes were the most consumed (49.5%). Participants mainly engaged in strength exercises (56.7%), and users of dietary supplements were found to practice more than non-users. Users of dietary supplements mainly performed physical activity to build muscles while non-user aims were mainly to improve fitness and performance and to lose weight. Participants sought knowledge regarding dietary supplement use from the internet (24.6%), friends (21.1%), or coaches and personal trainers (24.6%), and rarely from licensed dietitians (1.8%). The greatest difference reported after the use of supplements was improved performance and muscle growth (12.8%). Knowledge about supplements was rated to be low and inaccurate, as 57.8% believed supplements have no side effects and 16.5% did not know what the side effects were.  Conclusion: There is limited data on dietary supplement use from males in Beirut, Lebanon.  This study provides data to contribute to the awareness on the use of dietary supplements specific to this population.

Author Biography

  • Antoine G Farhat, Notre Dame University

    Antoine Farhat is an Associate Professor of Nutrition and is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing & Health Sciences at NDU including multidisciplinary foundation and professional programs. His long-term research focuses on the assessment of macro and micronutrient consumption in Lebanon with emphasis on insoluble/soluble dietary fiber and glycemic load, ω6:ω3 fatty acid ratio, and trans fatty acids, with these nutrients’ effect on nutrition-related diseases. Other research attractions include functional food, effect of food processing on nutrients losses, and environmental nutrition including consumer health issues closely associated with the food industry where he spent three years of research and development following his postdoctoral period at Penn State University. The best research for Antoine is the one that aims away from reductionism and closer to holistic approaches to humanity’s problems. His teaching concentration is in basic and advanced human nutrition, macro and micronutrients metabolism, metabolic endocrinology, therapeutic and lifecycle nutrition.


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