The Effect of an Introductory Strength Training Program on ACL Injury Risk Factors
Block Zero Training, anterior cruciate ligament, injuries, team sports, strength and conditioning, injury preventionAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine both objective and athlete perceived biomechanical outcomes of Block Zero training thought to be associated with ACL injury risk potential. There were two specific aims of this study. The purpose of Aim 1a of this study was to examine the extent to which Block Zero training increased knee:ankle ratio during the performance of the Drop Jump Screen Test. Thirteen female high school athletes from girls’ volleyball, basketball, softball, and soccer comprised the sample. A paired t-test indicated participants demonstrated increases in knee:ankle ratio and increases in strength from pre to post test. Spearman’s correlation indicated there was a strong positive relationship between increased strength gains and increased knee:ankle ratio. Aim 1b examined the perceived benefits of Block Zero training through an exploration of knee symptoms and an ability to perform certain tasks during sport participation in past participants of Block Zero. Twenty-four survey responses comprised the sample. Results from McNemar’s Test for correlated proportions indicated participants reported positive perception of Block Zero training. The purpose of Aim 2 was to compare injury data from the host high school to three area high schools to determine if athletes who participated in Block Zero were less susceptible to ACL injury than those who did not participate in Block Zero. While results were not statistically significant, injury rates revealed, with the exception of girls’ volleyball, the host school experienced lower injury rates. These preliminary positive results suggest that Block Zero training should be studied in the future as one potential way to provide protection against ACL injury.
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