Review of the Rational and Mathematical Basis of the SCENARIO Thermal Model


  • Adam Potter
  • David Looney U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, 10 General Greene Avenue, Bldg 42, Natick, Massachusetts 01760-5007
  • Jason Hancock U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, 10 General Greene Avenue, Bldg 42, Natick, Massachusetts 01760-5007
  • Michael Castellani U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, 10 General Greene Avenue, Bldg 42, Natick, Massachusetts 01760-5007
  • William Santee U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, 10 General Greene Avenue, Bldg 42, Natick, Massachusetts 01760-5007



physiology, biophysics, thermoregulation, clothing, modeling, extreme environment


Mathematical models of human thermal responses can be used to provide useful information to prevent heat injuries, plan risk mitigation strategies, and evaluate potential responses to stressors.  This paper reviews the mathematical principles used to operate the SCENARIO thermal model.  SCENARIO is a rational first principles model that consists of seven compartments made up of five concentric cylinders that represent human core, muscle, fat, and vascular and avascular skin, a central blood compartment, and a clothing layer.  Modeled interaction of heat exchange through these compartments allows for the prediction of thermal state over time.  The model uses inputs of individuals characteristics and health status along within environmental conditions, clothing properties, and activity to generate physiological predictions (metabolism, heart rate, cardiac output, stroke volume, skin and core body temperature) over a given time course.  This paper reviews the inputs, outputs, mathematical principles and general history of the SCENARIO model.


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