Sprint and Distance Zone Analysis by Position of Division I Women’s Lacrosse


  • R. Charli Rosenberg Campbell University
  • Bradley J. Myers Campbell University
  • Jennifer A. Bunn Sam Houston State University




athlete monitoring, team sports, external load


Sprint zones are measured by the number of sprints conducted in zones 1 through 5 (Sprint 1 - Sprint 5) and the distance traveled in each zone (Dist 1 - Dist 5). Zones are determined by percentage of maximum sprint speed (1<60%, 2=60-69%, 3=70-79%, 4=80-89%, 5≥90%). The purpose of this study was to compare sprint zones and speed by position in Division I women’s lacrosse during practices and games. Players (n=13) wore a vest with microtechnology (global positioning unit and heart rate monitor) to track movement and speed during 9 games and 41 practices. Players included four attackers, four midfielders, and five defenders. There were no main effect differences between training and games (p=0.288), or by an interaction with position (p=0.396). Univariate analyses showed differences between training and games for average speed (p<0.001) max speed (p=0.021), Sprint 1 (p<0.001), Sprint 2 (p<0.001), Sprint 3 (p<0.001), Sprint 4 (p<0.001), Sprint 5 (p=0.031), Dist 1 (p<0.001), Dist 2 (p<0.001), Dist 3 (p=0.001), and Dist 5 (p=0.003). All variables were higher in games than training except Sprint 5 and Dist 5 where training was higher. For the interaction between activity type and position there was a difference in Sprint 4 (p=0.032) and Sprint 2 (p=0.046), with attackers logging higher values during practice in Sprint 5 and Dist 5. There was a mismatch in sprint demands between training and games, with a greater game demand for efforts in zones 1-4 in games for all positions. These data indicate no need to train differently by position, but coaches and support staff can utilize this information to alter the structure of training to meet the demands of the game.


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