Effect of age and level of competition on evolution of offensive actions’ efficacy and its effect on the game in women’s volleyball: A pilot study


  • Jose M Palao
  • Carlos Echeverria
  • Antonio Garcia-de-Alcaraz University Isabel I (Burgos, Spain) University of Almería (Almería, Spain)




match analysis, performance, volleyball, attack


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of age and level of competition on the evolution of the offensive actions’ efficacy and its effect on the game in women’s volleyball. The sample was six teams (two from the Spanish junior national level, two from the Spanish senior national level, and two from the international senior level). The variables studied were: level of competition (junior national, senior national, and senior international), game phase, reception performance, set performance, attack performance, type of attack, number of players blocking, and result of the play. The evolution between different ages and levels of competition correlates with a reduction of errors, an increase in the actions that allow teammates optimal actions, and increased speed in the game. The article discusses how analyzed teams build their offense in the different phases and the implications of the data on understanding game dynamics and training.


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