Establishing technical and tactical performance goals for elite men´s beach volleyball players


  • Jose M Palao University of Wisconsin - Parkside
  • Elena Hernández-Hernández Pablo de Olavide University (Seville, Spain)
  • Ana B López-Martínez Catholic University of San Antonio (Murcia, Spain)
  • Policarpo Manzanares University of Murcia (Murcia, Spain)
  • David Valades University of Alcala (Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain)
  • Enrique Ortega-Toro University of Murcia (Murcia, Spain)



performance match analysis, tactics, technique


The purpose of this paper was to establish the technical and tactical performance goals for elite men´s beach volleyball players. The process for calculation and analysis was carried out in three stages: 1) establishing the criteria to analyze and monitor; 2) data collection (match observation) as well as descriptive (mean, standard deviation, baseline of won and lost sets, and percentiles) and inferential analyses (Chi‐Square Test and likelihood ratio) of the data to compare won/lost sets; and 3) establishing performance goals. Eight performance goals for technical-tactical actions to control player´s actions in training and in competition were established. The data obtained are applicable for peak performance men´s beach volleyball (World Tour) or for a similar level of competition.

Author Biography

  • Jose M Palao, University of Wisconsin - Parkside
    Hlth, Exercise Sci & Sport Mgt


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