Caffeinated beverages can benefit anaerobic work capacity and critical power measured in a 3 minute all-out test


  • Stephanie Gerlach
  • R Pettitt Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences Department, University of New Mexico
  • H Morton School of Sport and Exercise,Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand



all-out exercise, energy drink, performance


The effect of different caffeinated beverages on high-intensity performance, using a cycling 3-minute all-out exercise test (3MT) was assessed. Twenty-four subjects with low risk stratification completed four 3MTs over a period of 3 weeks. The subjects included males and females with the following demographics: age 22±2 yr; height 175±6.1 cm; weight 78.8±16 kg. One hour before the start of each 3MT, subjects consumed either 250 ml of water, Coca Cola® (Cola), Red Bull® (RB), or Coca Cola® with added dry caffeine (Cola+). The RB and Cola+ beverages had the same caffeine content. Critical power (CP), anaerobic work capacity (W’), oxygen uptake ( O2peak) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured during 3MTs. Most subjects had the highest W’ after the consumption of Cola (41%) compared to 25% each for water and RB, and 8% for Cola+. Anaerobic work capacity was significantly higher after Cola consumption compared to Cola+. Cola consumption produced the highest CP in 11 of 24 subjects. The mean and standard deviation of CP for water, Cola, RB, Cola+ consumption were 192±45 W, 201±45 W, 201±50.5W, 198±42W, respectively (p<0.05). O2peak increased significantly with the amount of caffeine ingested. No differences in RPE were found between beverages. Based on these data, we recommend consuming a standard Coca Cola to increase performance during short high-intensity exercise, as Cola provoked an increase in CP and W’ for most subjects during the 3MT.



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