A Physiological Profile of Intermediate Crossfit Athletes: A Pilot Study


  • Michael Numon The College of St. Scholastica
  • Joseph Warphea The College of St. Scholastica
  • Larry Birnbaum The College of St. Scholastica




high intensity training, fitness, cross training


The purpose of this study was to develop a physiological profile of intermediate CrossFit athletes.  Nine male and six female subjects, with an age range of 20 to 37, completed a specific set of physiological assessments during an approximate two-hour testing session in the lab and weight room.  The following features were assessed: body composition (7-site skinfold), flexibility (sit-and-reach), leg power (vertical jump), upper body strength (overhead barbell shoulder press), overall power (power clean/squat clean), muscular endurance (maximal push-ups), and maximal aerobic capacity (treadmill VO2max).  The resulting performances demonstrated “well-above-average” scores for the female participants relative to the general public populations.  The male participants demonstrated “above-average” performances relative to the general public population.  These results indicate intermediate CrossFit athletes possess above average physiological traits.  Coaches and athletes can use this data to help them determine if incorporating CrossFit would be beneficial in achieving their goals.

Author Biography

  • Larry Birnbaum, The College of St. Scholastica

    Exercise Physiology Department



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