Reliability and Validity of the Hexoskin Wearable Body Metrics Telemetry Shirt


  • Michael Brent Phillips Tennessee Technological University
  • Jason Beach Tennessee Technological University
  • Michael Cathey Tennessee Technological University
  • Jake Lockert Tennessee State University
  • William Satterfield Tennessee Technological University



Hexoskin, Reliability, Validity, Wearable Telemetry Body Metrics Shirt



Objective: To examine the reliability and validity of the Hexoskin wearable body metrics telemetry shirt.

Design: Experimental Design

Setting: Data were collected for three days a week for three weeks in a clinical lab setting.

Participants: Six healthy young, nonsmoking participants (3 males and 3 females) were selected for this study (age 23.7 +/- 2.3 years, height 171.66 +/- 9.71 cm, weight 73.53 +/- 8.8 kg, body fat percentage 15.9 +/- 5.8, body mass index 24.9 +/- 1.82 kg/m2 ).

Interventions: Two distinct phases of examining the reliability and validity of the Hexoskin shirt during moderate and vigorous intensities.

Main Outcome Measures: To establish test-retest reliability, data were analyzed using  Pearson-r by validating the reliability from each week’s treadmill test using the calories per-minute data from each participant while wearing the Hexoskin telemetry shirt. Validity was established using criterion related concurrent validity methodology by computing Pearson-r correlation calories per-minute data for the Hexoskin, and the corresponding data from the ParvoMedic TrueOneⓇ2400 Metabolic Cart (VO2 Max). The HexoSkin heart rate was also compared between each moderate test and vigorous test using nonparametric statistics because of the small sample size. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare the heart rates between each intensity.

Results: Of the many data points provided by the HexoSkin, the study focused on calories, breathing rate, and heart rate. The reliability of accurate calorie burn was tested at the moderate and vigorous levels for all six participants based off the Harris-Benedict equation.  Breathing rate readings from the HexoSkin were compared at the moderate and vigorous levels against the ParvoMedic TrueOneⓇ2400 Metabolic Cart at moderate and vigorous levels. Finally, the HexoSkin heart rate was also compared between each moderate test and vigorous test using nonparametric statistics because of the small sample size and that the cases were matched samples

Conclusions: The current study examined the Hexoskin under typical exercising constraints of moderate and vigorous intensities with healthy adults. The study demonstrated that with a properly fitting Hexoskin shirt and following proper protocols, the Hexoskin shirt could be used as a tool to accurately monitor levels of telemetry data during physical activity. It was concluded that the Hexoskin wearable body metrics telemetry shirt is a reliable and valid tool to be used during moderate and vigorous activities.

List of Abbreviations

VO2 Max (Volume of Oxygen Consumption), PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire)

Author Biographies

  • Michael Brent Phillips, Tennessee Technological University

    Department of Exercise Science, Physical Education, & Wellness

    Associate Professor

  • Jason Beach, Tennessee Technological University

    Department of Curriculum & Instruction

    Assistant Professor

  • Michael Cathey, Tennessee Technological University

    Department of Exercise Science, Physical Education, & Wellness

    Assistant Professor

  • Jake Lockert, Tennessee State University

    Department of Physical Therapy

    Graduate Student

  • William Satterfield, Tennessee Technological University

    Department of Exercise Science, Physical Education, & Wellness

    Graduate Teaching Assistant



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