Dr. Kelly Brooks
Dear Colleagues,
My close friend and co-editor, Dr. Kelly Brooks, was recently attacked and left severely injured. For those of you that do not know, the Journal of Sport and Human Performance (JSHP) is a product of Kelly’s making. She has strived to ensure JSHP provides a scientific platform that is fair, objective, and importantly avoids using a profit motive design. This last part has long been important to her, as she has advocated for keeping the journal free from fees as best as possible.
Dr. Brooks is currently hospitalized but is working her way towards rehabilitation. Kelly is an intelligent, productive, and tenacious individual; I am confident she will pull through this, but she has a difficult path ahead of her. In the meantime, her friends and family ask that you keep her in your thoughts.
If you have an interest to supporting her recovery and the associated costs her family is facing, there is a GoFundMe link here.
Adam Potter
Journal of Sport and Human Performance