Updates to JSHP
JSHP users,
Our journal hosting site has been in the process of making changes. After much consideration, we have decided to transition our journal to another platform. This will take time, and be ongoing until the beginning of 2020.
We will publish on more on this platform, in October 2019.
Rest assured that your articles will remain hosted, published, archived properly, and will be accessible. There will only be changes to the site and the hosting platform.
Along with these changes, we have decided to change from a volunteer-only journal, and will begin to charge fees on new submissions and publications, beginning in 2020. It has become extremely difficult to find volunteers for every aspect of the publishing process.
There are many demands on academics. Reviewing, copyediting, and serving as an editor are difficult, time-consuming roles. While our mission of publishing open-access, timely information has not changed, we have realized that this misssion suffers when volunteers cannot be found. We do not believe in “publication for profit,” and want continue to be a place where graduate students, professors who are starting/growing their careers can publish quickly and with minimal expense. We want to attract academics who want a place to publish their position on a topic, without ridiculous fees.
We will charge $50 per submission ($25 for graduate student work). Upon acceptance by the journal, we will charge $200/article ($50 for graduate student work). This will help fund copyediting, hosting and storage fees, and reward volunteers who review several of our articles. We will continue to be a non-profit organization, and will be completely transparent with our funds.
Position papers will continue to be published free-of-charge. Abstracts from conferences will have a pre-negotiated rate. White-papers that are accepted will incur further charges.
Several of us have put our time into this journal, as well as our funds, to keep it going. As we move to a new platform, the changes we make will have a positive impact on our journal.
Thank you for your support throughout the years.
Kelly Brooks, Ph.D.