The Relationship of Isokinetic and Field Test Measures in Collegiate Sprinters: An Exploratory Study


  • Mary Williams Sam Houston State University
  • Matthew Wagner Sam Houston State University
  • Patrick Davis Sam Houston State University
  • Devin Anderson University of Georgia
  • Kendall Rankin Sam Houston State University



Isokinetic, field test, vertical jump, standing broad jump, sprint, H:Q ratio, peak torque



Practitioners often utilize test batteries to assess elements of sport performance using field-based test measures. This study assessed both field test outcomes and isokinetic data from 10 NCAA Division I sprinters to determine the relationship between the isokinetic measures of peak torque and hamstrings to quadricep ratios and the field-based assessments of vertical jump, standing broad jump, and sprint times (5m, 10m, 20m, and 40m intervals). There were no significant correlations between hamstring and quadricep (H:Q) and vertical or standing broad jump (VJ and SBJ) measures. The R values for H:Q and the two jump measures were low (<0.3) to moderate (0.3 – 0.5), but none were statistically significant. Peak Torque (PT) was highly correlated with both VJ and SBJ with R values exceeding 0.5 across all variables. Statistically significant correlations were calculated for all PT and jump variables with the exception of PT at 60º on the left side. Generally, there were significant negative correlations with sprint intervals at 5, 10, 20, and 40 meters and isokinetic measures of PT. Isokinetic PT at 60º/sec for left extension did not yield significant correlations with speed at 5m but did yield a moderate r value of -0.45. Additionally, the 5m sprint time with isokinetic parameters set to 180º/sec for left flexion did not yield a significant correlation, but the R value of -0.63 indicates a large correlation between the variables. H:Q and sprint times were not significantly correlated, and R values were generally low (< 0.3). Findings from this study indicate that practitioners may benefit from isokinetic testing; however, utilization of PT is likely more beneficial than calculating the H:Q for sprint performance.

Author Biographies

  • Mary Williams, Sam Houston State University

    Assistant Professor and Athletic Training Program Director

    Sam Houston State University

    Department of Kinesiology

    Box 2176

    Huntsville, TX 77340

  • Matthew Wagner , Sam Houston State University

    Associate Professor

    Sam Houston State University

    Department of Kinesiology

    Box 2176

    Huntsville, TX 77340

  • Patrick Davis , Sam Houston State University

    Assistant Professor

    Sam Houston State University

    Department of Kinesiology

    Box 2176

    Huntsville, TX 77340

  • Devin Anderson, University of Georgia

    University of Georgia

    Department of Kinesiology

  • Kendall Rankin, Sam Houston State University

    Sam Houston State University

    Department of Kinesiology


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How to Cite

The Relationship of Isokinetic and Field Test Measures in Collegiate Sprinters: An Exploratory Study. (2022). Journal of Sport and Human Performance, 10(1), 1-13.